
A film by Don Campbell

With Leigh & William Kuhn

At what cost, the American dream?

Thirty years ago William and Leigh Kuhn journeyed west to find a place that spoke of the wild,

where nature still flourished. They found it in the Tumalo Winter Deer Range.

Instead of harmony and integration with nature they found themselves embroiled in a battle between egregious, harassing landowners and an equally contentious, inexperienced and obstructive county bureaucracy.

That left the Kuhns no choice but to either give up or fight a decades long struggle to protect and support the existence of this wild and natural place they call home.

This is their story.

Please watch the films below:   Best Viewed in HD                                            


                                       View in HD

If you were disturbed by what was depicted in these films, please write the Board of County Commissioners at 1300 NW Wall Street, Bend OR 97703: 

Philip G. Henerson - Republican Deschutes County Commissioner Chair at Large for 2017

Email: Phil.Henderson@deschutes.org 

Phone: (541) 388-6569

Republican, Board of Commissioners Vice Chair

Email: Tammy.Baney@deschutes.org

Phone: (541) 388-6567

Tony DeBone - County Commissioner

Republican, Commissioner at Large

Email: Tony.DeBone@deschutes.org

Phone: (541) 388-6568

Thank you, 

William and Leigh Kuhn