Why do so many favorite children's books have animals as the main characters? Why do children urban or rural notice animals even when most of us often don't?  Why, at a very early age, do they imitate animal sounds, and laugh? Makes you wonder, right? 

How many of us have horses, dogs, cats, birds and even fish as our dearest companions and often our closest, most reliable connections?

Then, there are all of the many other creatures that live in us, around us, and below us, often unwelcome. In fact we target many of them whether benign, helpful or pest, for instant destruction. Earth, our island home, is also home to so many forms of life, past and present, that in all the centuries humans have existed here it is still uncertain how many species remain unknown to us.

We Homo sapiens are one form of animal life. Even after many years of observation, education and pondering cultural myths, religious beliefs and scientific discoveries, I still have no personal opinion or clue on the origins of life on earth. I feel, though, that whatever life and in however it came about is neither simple nor mundane. 

So I'm on a lifelong quest fueled by animal stories, curiosity and a varied, sometimes penetrable environment to see who I am, where I belong, and who or what is everything else. 

If you're interested come along with me. Your stories and mine will probably intersect at many points.

Welcome to my journey, called Animals R Us!



In addition to being the primary architect in the building of the Kuhn home, Leigh is also an Illustrator who regularly channels her connections to wildlife and the environment through pen and ink.  Leigh's Pen illustrations have been featured in the book, The Spirit of Place and Eating Diamonds by Lauren Cruden.

Leigh's original art work, cards and prints are available for purchase.